React ToDo App

React ToDo App


The React ToDo App is a user-friendly task management application designed to help users stay organized and productive. It provides a soothing and visually appealing user interface, along with a range of features to enhance the task management experience.


– React functional components;
– useEffect, useState, useContext, useDispatch, useRef, custom hooks;
– useReducer for a better understanding of what is under the hood of Redux;
– Local storage, refactored to using fetch from API;
– GET, DELETE, PATCH, POST methods for working with the API;
– Promises, refactored to async/await syntax;
– TypeScript types and enums;
– React Transition Groups;


The project was implemented using pre-made HTML and CSS markups; my task was to develop the React.js with TypeScript part.

Adding a todo:

Adds a todo with the entered title on form submit:

– the text field is focused by default;
– if the title is empty – a “Title should not be empty” notification is shown at the bottom;
– the title is trimmed when checked or saved;
– sends a POST request to the API;
– the input is disabled until receiving a response from the API;
– immediately after sending a request, a todo with id: 0 is created and saved to the tempTodo variable in the state;
– the temporary TodoItem has a loader;
– in case of success, the todo created by the API is added to the array;
– in case of an API error an “Unable to add a todo” notification is shown at the bottom;
– the text field is focused after receiving a response;
– in case of success the text is cleared;
– keeps the text in case of an error;

Deleting todos:

Removes a todo on the TodoDeleteButton click:

– the todo is covered with a loader while waiting for the API response;
– removes the todo from the list on success;
– in case of API error shows an “Unable to delete a todo” notification at the bottom (the todo stays in the list);

Removes all the completed todos after the ClearCompleted button click:

– the button is enabled only if there is at least one completed todo;
– the deletion works as several individual deletions running at the same time;
– in case of any error shows an error message but processes success deletions;

Toggling a todo status:

Toggles the completed status on TodoStatus change:

– the todo is covered with a loader overlay while waiting for the API response;
– the status changes on success;
– shows an “Unable to update a todo” notification in case of API error;

Allows toggling the completed status of all the todos with the toggleAll checkbox:

– the toggleAll button has active class only if all the todos are completed;
– clicking toggleAll changes its status to the opposite one and sets this new status for all the todos;
– it works the same as several individual updates of the todos which statuses were actually changed;
– sends requests for the todos that were not changed;

Renaming a todo:

Allows editing a todo title on double-click:

– shows the edit form instead of the title and remove button;
– saves changes on the form submit (press Enter);
– saves changes when the field loses focus (onBlur);
– if the new title is the same as the old one it cancels editing;
– cancels editing on Esс key keyup event;
– if the new title is empty it deletes the todo the same way the remove button does it;
– if the title was changed, shows the loader while waiting for the API response;
– updates the todo title on success;
– shows “Unable to update a todo” in case of an API error or a deletion error message if attempting to delete the todo;


I’m very proud of how this project turned out and the skills I honed along the way. Check it out and let me know what you think!

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